Sunday, August 3, 2008

Heaven's Smallest Warrior(written for Kellen)

Heaven's smallest warrior...
Dropped his sword to the ground...
As other's thrust their gleaming blades...
He look around.
He found a group of angels near....
And passed them with a nod...
He had no doubts within his mind...
He had to speak with God.
Through the trees so towering...
And down each dusty street....
He found a throne so radiant...
His mission was complete.
With courage he approached the throne...
Magnificent and vast...
"Well here's my little warrior"... God said,....
"You've come at last".
"What troubles you my warrior"?
"What did you come to ask"?
"Have you a battle yet to face"?
Or do you seek a task?
I long to fight a new battle...
The warrior said with a smile...
I long to fight down there on earth...
To face a human trial.
Where weapons aren't of metal...
And even victor's fall...
Where faith and hope and love remain...
The greatest things of all.
And should I face a battle...
I'll not face it alone...
I am a child of courage...
Sheltered,loved, and known.
So shall you go... My warrior...
Courageous,brave, and strong...
You long to be a miracle...
I've known...all along.
But things like hope, and faith, and love...
These things need to be learned...
Trials, tests and struggles come...
And then these traits are earned.
A rainbow shines AFTER a rainstorm...
And laughter comes AFTER great tears...
Courage is found only AFTER...
A person has faced their worst fears.
Hope is born from great despair...
And faith from disbelief...
And healing would not have it's place...
Without...sadness and grief.
Now go my little warrior...
God said...with some chargrin...
And know whatever you might face...
You are destined to win.
Remember what I've told you...
And strive to do what's right...
And know that life, above all things...
Is surely worth the fight.

~Stephanie Husted

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